Writing Services
Enhance your small business’s website with professionally written content to communicate your brand’s mission. If you already have content that needs sprucing up or need to develop a web presence from nothing, we’ll collaborate to create that identity. Oh, and no need to hire an additional editor or proofreader since my services promise clean, error-free writing.

Editing & Proofreading
Copywriting with good bones may only need a strong proofreader before it goes to print. Here’s where my copyediting skills come in. Whether your documents require slight stylistic touches, or your drafts need a total overhaul, trust me to bring out the best in your writing with my writing, editing and proofreading services. I pay attention to detail as I edit for grammar, style, and consistency.
We can discuss the difference between editing and proofreading to decide which option best suits your needs.

Web Content
Build your small business’s online presence with a basic website package. Options range from one time site development to continuing care plans which ensure your site evolves as your needs change and business grows.

Playing with words but always following the rules.
Whether you need a proofreader, editor, content writer, or even a tutor, I’ve got you covered. A teacher at heart, I currently offer English language arts tutoring services to students from grades five through twelve. For younger learners who need additional support writing their first five paragraph essays to those high school seniors laboring over college entrance essays, I am here to guide them through the writing process.
When I am not “on the clock”, you may find me playing outdoors at the Whitewater Center, digging in the dirt gardening, or unwinding in front of a Coen brothers’ movie. I am a mother, a wife, and a lifelong learner.
Trust me to develop your presence on the web and boost your company’s visibility.